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Probably the most common complaint I hear from folks, both clients and people out in the world is that they “could stand to lose a few pounds.”
Does this sound familiar at all?
With about 74% of Americans considered overweight or obese, according to the CDC, there’s a good chance that it does.
I’d wager that the majority of folks out there have an idealized number in your heads for a weight you want to get to.
Maybe it’s the weight you were in college.
Or the weight and size you were before you had kids.
Maybe you were athletic in school, and you want to get down to a similar size and weight.
This is all to say that you might have a weight that means something to you emotionally that you've set a goal to get back to.
But let me ask you this question:
What does that number on the scale give you?
Your weight is just a number. But it’s a number that we have assigned a TON of importance to. It’s a number tangled together with our perception of health, of self worth, our personal relationships, and how we show up in public.
We have given that number WAY TOO MUCH POWER.
But what happens when you stop focusing on a number, and start focusing on how you feel?
I say we need to start focusing on how much energy we have every day.
We need to focus on our stress levels and our mental state.
We need to focus on how our bodies feel during the day.
And we need to focus on our capacities for patience and empathy.
I often tell clients that weight loss is a happy side effect of bringing your body into balance and getting healthy.
I don’t generally see weight loss as a primary goal.
Because here’s the secret:
There is no such thing as an ideal weight.
There IS a weight that is healthy for your body that is unique to you.
When your body is healthy, and in balance, and providing you with energy and joy and clarity, your weight tends to balance out.
Which means a “healthy weight” doesn’t mean “skinny”.
But “healthy weight” doesn’t mean “healthy at any size”, either.
Your body is smart. It knows what to do with what you give it.
When you feed your body toxic garbage, don’t move around, don’t get sunlight and fresh air, don’t prioritize sleep, don’t have community and purpose?
Your body isn’t healthy. And you won’t be at a healthy weight. You’ll suffer the predictable effects of a SAD modern lifestyle.
When you eat whole, nutrient-dense foods like eggs, red meat, poultry, fish, leafy green veggies and fruits, when you get outside and move your body every day, when you take time to unwind and get quality sleep, when you find a tribe and build a purpose?
Your body finds balance, your energy and mood go through the roof. You THRIVE.
So I’m really not worried about some number on a scale.
I’m more concerned about your energy levels, how your body feels, how your brain feels, how your mood is.
And the weight? The weight will balance out once everything else does.
Y’all, I just want to help you get back the energy and vitality you feel you’ve lost. That’s what I’m here to do.
With nutrition swaps, healthy habit building and lifestyle changes, we make incremental changes that turn into big wins.
Get started by setting up your free 15 minute consult with me today.
Ready? Let’s go!