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Believe it or not, everything about your health is connected.
You wouldn’t know it going to your doctor, where we treat everything in silos: A psychiatrist for mental health. Cardiologist for heart health. Nephrologist for kidneys. Gastroenterologist for your gut and digestion. Endocrinologist for hormones and blood sugar.
You get the point. We collect doctors as we age and develop more issues that seem to be isolated.
But they’re not.
In fact, most of our modern chronic health issues stem from just one thing: Metabolic Disorder.
This is simply your body not being able to metabolize nutrients efficiently.
So we have low energy, our hair starts to fall out, we develop weight around our middle, we get high blood pressure, we have bloating and digestive issues, we get our gall bladders removed, we get depressed, we go on lipitor and statins and SSRIs.
We have heart attacks. We develop kidney disease. We get leaky gut and bowel disease. We develop insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes.
We get depressed and anxious and lonely.
This is all to say that things going on with our health that may seem to be completely isolated and separate issues may not be.
Like the connection between your blood sugar, your gut, and your mental health.
The picture starts to look a lot different once you see how everything is connected.
Research is showing us how the proliferation of these “bad” bacteria actually lead to a loss of immune cells that are directly connected to cardiometabolic diseases and diabetes.
More studies are telling us that there are bacteria in our gut that promote good mental health, and other bacteria lead to the development of mental disorders.
I mean, this is WILD!
We’ve talked a lot about how maintaining healthy glucose and insulin levels impacts our mental health. This is just one way science is showing us how.
So, to sum it all up:
Balanced blood glucose = healthy microbiome = positive mental health
Positive mental health = balanced blood glucose = healthy microbiome
Healthy microbiome = positive mental health = balanced blood glucose
The great news is, most if not all of the actions you take to balance your blood sugar also improve the health of your gut. And vice versa.
Win win!
A healthy gut biome impacts way more than our mental health and blood sugar, too. Cutting-edge science is learning new things about what the bacterial diversity in our gut affects every single day.
Y’all, I love making these connections for you and I really hope this email provided value and helped you learn something new.
The great news is that this gives us so many tools to use in boosting your energy, balancing your mood, helping drop stubborn weight, crushing those cravings and holding off chronic diseases.
My 6-month, 1-on-1 nutrition program is a deep dive into all the strategies and tactics you need to get your body back in balance. If you think an individual, personalized approach is right for you, I’m here to help.
If you’re ready to start healing your gut, balancing your blood sugar, and getting your energy back, but don’t think you need the personalized focus of a 6 month program, boy have I got something for YOU.
I’m launching a new GROUP PROGRAM - Get Off The Roller Coaster!
Right now, I’m looking for about 6-8 folks who want to work in a supportive group setting. Here’s what’s included:
8-week program
Weekly food, mood, movement and eating window tracker
Weekly group support calls (60 min)
New diet & lifestyle focus each week
How to set up weekly schedule for exercise / eating windows / stress management
Support and accountability tactics
Individual diet, lifestyle & supplement recommendations
10% discount on supplements
Group chat on Signal
Lifetime access to Facebook group
Cost: $1,000 per person
I think it’s going to be a great program and will help a bunch of people. I’m hoping to get rolling mid to late May, so this sounds like the plan for you, just reply to this email, or set up a quick 15 minute call with me.
Ready? Let’s go!