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Low Carbs vs.The Right Carbs


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Diet and nutrition are confusing and frustrating at the best of times.

Intermittent fasting. Paleo. Keto. Vegan. AIP. Whole30. Calorie restriction. Low fat. Mediterranean. Fasting-Mimicking. Supplements. My plate. Low salt/DASH.

It’s enough to make your head explode!

The goal of each of these is to help you lose weight, boost energy, correct chronic health issues and improve your quality of life.

But is one diet or way of eating right for everyone?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Your way of eating is unique and individual to you!

One way of eating getting a lot of attention right now are low carb diets. Some folks swear by a low to zero carb approach, while others think low-carbers are nuts, and we should all be eating a high carb, low fat diet for our best health.

(Social media is full of armchair pundits who think they have the answer and everyone else is wrong.)

The truth is, how many carbohydrates you consume is unique to you, and will change based on your age, the season, your activity level, and more.

The amount of carbohydrates you get in your day is probably less important than the quality.

Truth bomb: If you’re eating lots of whole vegetables, fruits and grains with all that fiber, you’re going to eat less anyway.

Here’s a personal example: I tend to eat a relatively low-carb diet, at least compared to most modern Americans.

I rarely eat pasta, I opt for a lettuce wrap on my burger, I tend to avoid most grains, especially processed.

I do eat a ton of sauteed, roasted, or steamed veggies. I add them to my breakfast bowl, I put them in taco meat, and serve them with every meal my family eats.

I also make sourdough bread and enjoy a slice or two a day. I eat a banana with my breakfast most days and try to snack with lower carb foods like hard boiled eggs or jerky.

I love tacos and enjoy a good corn tortilla. I occasionally eat a slice or two of pizza, and even eat white rice maybe once a week.

That’s just my way of eating, but I will say that it works for me and I usually feel pretty darn great.

The main theme running through all of those foods is that they are whole or minimally processed. The fiber and nutrients are intact when I chew them, and aren’t mixed together with a bunch of stabilizers or thickeners.

The fiber, especially when eaten with a healthy fat, keeps my blood sugar from spiking, giving my body time to slowly absorb and store the glucose.

But your way of eating will be different from mine. You might need more carbs in your day.

Maybe you are a distance runner training for a marathon.

Maybe you’re a 40 year old woman in a part of your cycle that you need more carbs.

Maybe your body just works better with a higher amount of carbohydrates compared to fat.

Whatever it is, no fad diet is going to be just right for you.

Y’all, that’s a big part of what we do in my 6-month 1:1 program. We work together to come up with the optimal way of eating for YOU, right now. And give you tools to adjust as life changes.

Because the point isn’t for you to eat low carb or high carb, but to eat the right carbs.

Are you ready to have more energy, sleep better, fix chronic health issues, and have a better quality of life?

I’m here to help.

Ready? Let’s go!

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