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Do you find that you get irritable most days? Do you start feeling hangry about the same time each day, like between breakfast and lunch?
Even if you start the day off feeling good, eventually the demands and stresses of the day wear you down, and you feel grumpy and maybe even snap at people (like your kids)?
Maybe you don’t sleep well, so you compensate with a big, sugary coffee and a muffin. You feel great at first, but soon your energy starts to drop, you have trouble focusing, and you co-workers (or your kids) start to really annoy you.
I’d be willing to bet that you wished you didn’t feel tired and irritable all the time.
Am I right?
The truth is, more than likely your blood sugar and insulin are WAY out of whack.
Your stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are elevated all day, keeping you on edge and stressed.
Because you’re on the blood sugar roller coaster, your body has to produce more and more insulin to try and get all that glucose stored away.
Insulin resistance is what happens when your cells stop accepting glucose, leaving blood sugar levels high as your body makes more insulin to deal with it all.
Mostly, the excess glucose comes from your diet - that big sugary coffee and muffin. When we don’t eat enough protein, fat and fiber, and lean more into sugary, processed carbs, our blood sugar goes off the charts and we have to make more insulin to keep up.
But insulin resistance is also pushed along by stress and poor sleep. Our stress hormones make it harder for insulin to do its job, and we are chronically stressed. All day, every day.
Poor sleep triggers our cortisol to release, again making it harder for insulin to do its job, driving us deeper into insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is the beginning of the disease we know as Type 2 Diabetes.
Let insulin resistance develop for long enough, and you end up on drugs like Metformin, injectable insulin, GLP-1 agonists (like Wegovy) - and at the extreme may even have to have limbs amputated.
But the good news is insulin resistance is preventable and reversible.
You don’t have to deal with being in a crappy mood all the time.
You don’t have to deal with low energy, irritability, or sugar cravings.
You don’t have to be upset that you snapped at your kids or partner.
For many of us with our Standard American Diet, there’s a good chance we’re at some level of insulin resistance.
Small, simple changes to diet and lifestyle can get you back to being insulin sensitive again.
You can feel good again.
You can wake rested and feel energized and focused at work.
You can enjoy an even, balanced mood all day.
You can manage stress and not let it take over everything.
Y’all, this is what my 1-on-1 coaching program is all about. Helping you balance your blood sugar, reverse insulin resistance so you can start feeling energized and good again.
I’m sure some of you out there are struggling with being irritable all the time, and you feel like maybe this is just what life is like not.
I assure you, it’s not.
If you’re ready to put in the work to make new, positive habits, I’ve got a spot for you in my program.
Here’s what else you get when we work together:
Food journal and health history analysis
Healthy habit swaps
Bi-weekly support calls
Personalized shopping lists
Personalized meal plan
Personalized exercise / movement plan
Custom weekly calendar / schedule
Diet, lifestyle & supplement protocols
20% discount on supplements
Lifetime access to Facebook group
Accountability & support
Ready? Let’s go!