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Creating energetic health, boosting your mood, losing food cravings and feeling confident in your own skin is what my practice is all about.
We do this through balancing blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity and ditching chronic inflammation - bringing your body back into balance.
But it doesn’t happen by magic.
I don’t have some secret supplement or crystal bathed in the light of a full moon that gets these results for you.
It’s also not something I can just give to you for seven easy installments of $99.95.
Yes, food and fasting and exercise and mindset and hydration and sunlight and sleep are incredibly powerful when it comes to healing your body.
But not a single thing will get better if you don’t change your habits.
Your habits determine what you eat and when you eat.
Your habits determine how well you sleep and how you manage stress.
Your habits determine how much water you drink and how much you move your body.
Your habits determine your mindset and mood.
And your habits determine how willing you are to change your habits!
(have I said the word “habits” enough? Has the word become a sound? Habits? Hobbits?)
But changing habits is hard! I get it. Inertia is easy. Just keep doin’ like you’re doin’.
I was inspired to write this email by a quote from James Clear, author of the book Atomic Habits:
"If you're having trouble sticking to a new habit, try a smaller version until it becomes automatic. Do less than you're capable of, but do it more consistently than you have before."
Sticking to a new habit or habits can be really challenging, especially if you give yourself too much to do all at once.
Think of a weightlifter:
When someone is wanting to build a lot of muscle, they will lift heavy amounts of weight, usually 90-100% of their max weight, “to failure”. Meaning they lift as much weight as they can as many times as they can until they can’t lift it anymore.
While this is an effective bulking strategy, it’s not sustainable long term. Eventually, you’ll burn out or injure yourself if you don’t back off once in a while.
Most weightlifters don’t push that hard every day. Most days, they are lifting at 60-70% of their max weight for more reps to build endurance and consistency.
The same is true for habit change.
Often, like with New Year’s resolutions, we try to make huge changes to our life all at once.
We’re all gung ho to go to the gym 5 days a week, stop drinking alcohol, cut out sugar, and lose 25 pounds.
We white knuckle through the first few weeks but ultimately give up after a month or so, because honestly who can handle all that change all at once?
While it’s certainly worth pushing yourself to maximum effort once in a while, long term that is a recipe for burn out.
So choosing a “smaller version” of the habit you want to change and doing that more consistently, building up your endurance and a well-worn pattern…
This is how you build new habits.
So, what does that look like, exactly?
Choose one habit to change at a time.
You can’t boil the ocean. Pick one thing to change, and only one thing, and stick with it for at least 2 months.
Start small and build from there.
If you only rarely make it to the gym, suddenly jumping up to 5 days a week is not a reasonable expectation. Start with a daily walk, or one workout a week.
Stack new habits on as you go.
It’s much easier to build off of existing good habits than starting totally from scratch. “Habit stacking” is pairing a new habit with a current habit, think adding a walk while you drink your morning coffee.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
You’re not just creating a new habit, you’re also cutting out an old one. Those habits can be tough to quit, and you’ll have mental and emotional attachments to them. Give yourself time to let them go.
Y’all - vibrant, energetic health? It all comes down to your habits.
Do you want youthful energy? Do you want the feeling of a positive mood and mindset? Do you want clarity and focus back? Do you want to feel confident in your skin again?
You get those things by building positive habits, one at a time.
Supporting you, holding you accountable while you start small and stack new habits onto old ones.
Yes, we work on what you eat and how you deal with stress and what you do for exercise.
But those are ultimately all just habits, muscles that you need to develop over time.
So let’s get to work! I’ve got a spot in my 6 month 1-on-1 coaching program with your name on it.
Ready? Let’s go!