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It’s happened to all of us: You’re driving home from work or school and you notice a light on your dashboard that wasn’t there before.
The check engine light.
What does it even mean? Is my car about to blow up? How much time do I have before it actually dies? Did I do something wrong? Everything was fine this morning, what happened?
Hopefully, you’re the person who takes your car in right away to get it checked.
You need your car, right? You probably can’t afford for it to break down or sit in the shop for a week.
So you take it into the shop to find out what’s wrong. Maybe it’s something simple like a belt or low oil. Or maybe it’s something serious that if you hadn’t caught it right away could have been catastrophic.
But the fact is that now you know what’s wrong. You know the cause of your check engine light coming on.
So now you can do something to fix the cause of your car problems and keep your car running smoothly.
This all sounds pretty reasonable, right?
Here’s my question:
If we do this for our cars, why don’t we do this for our own bodies?
You probably have check engine lights flashing at you from your body every day, you just ignore them.
Pain, discomfort, low energy, fatigue and brain fog, excess stress, anxiety and depression, gas and bloating, trouble moving around.
These are all check engine lights from your body!
Your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong.
But when you go to your doctor and tell them what is going on, they typically only address the symptom.
Pain? Take an Ibuprofen, and you may need surgery.
Anxiety and depression? Take an SSRI and go to talk therapy.
Fatigue and brain fog? Probably just part of getting older, but you can take a thyroid hormone to help.
This would be like instead of replacing the dead battery in your car, you just gave it a quick charge every time you needed to drive.
All of your signs and symptoms, your “check engine lights”, have a root cause in your body.
Treating the symptoms may temporarily help easy pain and discomfort, but it won’t solve the actual problem causing those issues.
So you need to look for the root cause.
The root causes of MANY chronic diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Gout, Acid Reflux, Anxiety and Depression, even Dementia, all start from metabolic dysfunction created by poor diet and lifestyle.
Metabolic dysfunction happens when we eat nutrient poor, ultra processed foods all day, drink most of our calories, don’t move our bodies, don’t deal with our stress, don’t have community and purpose.
It happens because our mitochondria can get the nutrients and fuel they need to efficiently run our bodies. It happens because our cells get overwhelmed with glucose.
Our bodies aren’t like cars; they won’t just break down and stop working until you fix the fan belt or replace a gasket.
We slowly fall apart, bit by bit, while our body does everything it can to keep us alive.
But we deal with all the warning signs telling us that something is wrong.
Chronic pain and neuropathy.
Poor mobility.
High blood pressure.
Low energy and libido.
Anxiety and depression.
Digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, and IBD.
So the question is, when do you take yourself into the shop to find out what’s going on under the hood?
[NAME], my job is to help you figure out the root cause of your check engine light.
It takes some work, but I know we can get your body back to running smoothly, the way it should.
(Ok, are we done with the car analogies now?)
If you have some issues that you’ve been dragging your feet dealing with, now’s the time.
I’ve got openings in my 6 month 1-on-1 coaching program, where I take an individualized approach to helping you conquer low energy, brain fog, stubborn weight, and prevent chronic disease.
Ready? Let’s go!