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With the weather getting colder, you may not be worrying as much about hydration.
Obviously, we sweat more in the summer, and lose lots of water and electrolytes that way.
But here’s the thing: you might be dehydrated and not even realize it!
In fact, feeling hungry or like you want a salty snack can just mean you’re thirsty and need electrolytes.
While you may not be as active during the winter, and so not sweating as much, there are ways you could be losing hydration.
Hydration isn’t just drinking enough water, either. In fact, it is possible to drink too much water and flush out all your electrolytes like sodium, magnesium and potassium.
This can actually lead to a dangerous condition called hyponatremia, which is unusually low sodium levels and can cause nausea, headaches, muscle weakness and fatigue.
Why is hydration so important?
Let’s make one thing clear: Hydration doesn’t just mean how much water you drink.
Hydration is how much water you are able to get into your cells throughout your body, and you can’t get water into your cells without electrolytes.
Your cells need water for the most basic of functions like making energy and cellular structure.
Proper hydration is critical for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, kidney health, digestion, and waste removal.
But if you just drink water, your kidneys just pass it out as urine, and it usually takes vital minerals out with it.
Dehydration can sneak up on you, but will eventually lead to fatigue, dizziness, nausea, weakness and brain fog, to name a few.
What’s up with hydration in the winter?
Believe it or not, it’s pretty easy to get dehydrated in the winter. In fact, you’re probably dehydrated right now.
The cold, dry air can actually pull moisture out of you, but since you’re not hot and sweating you don’t really realize it.
That dry air also makes you lose hydration even when you breathe. When you bring in a breath, your body adds humidity, which you then blow right back out again, losing that moisture.
Add to that if you’re bundled up in lots of layers, you may actually be sweating under all those sweaters. I get it, it’s cold outside, but you’re nice and toasty so your body responds accordingly.
There’s an interesting effect where cold temperatures seem to make you not register thirst as well. So while you’re losing hydration from all the ways listed above, your body isn’t telling you that you are thirsty.
Finally, your body is working hard to keep you warm, which means you are using more energy. Plus, if you live somewhere with snow, you’re probably doing a lot of work in bulky winter clothes.
As your metabolic rate goes up, so does your sweat rate, even if you’re cold and don’t notice it under all those layers.
How do I stay hydrated?
Great question, glad you asked. Like I mentioned before, just drinking a bunch of water isn’t the answer.
You need to include electrolytes in your diet every day. These include Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium.
You can get electrolytes from the food you eat, but most of us are still lacking in these minerals even with a whole foods diet.
Foods like homemade soups and bone broth, even ferments like sauerkraut and kimchi can be good sources of electrolytes.
I like adding a hefty pinch of Redmond’s salt to a tall glass of water in the morning and anytime I’m feeling dehydrated. (A squeeze of lemon is nice, too!)
There are a TON of electrolyte supplements on the market, and it can be hard to know which one is best.
I opt for anything with just a few ingredients (no fillers or colors) and little to no sugar content. Always look at the ingredient list, but check the ratios of Sodium:Magnesium:Potassium as well and look for a higher sodium content.
Here are a few of my favorite electrolyte powders:
Staying hydrated during the winter will definitely help increase your energy and mood as the days get short and cold.
Proper hydration will also make sure your metabolism keeps burning even when you’re napping on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner.
Do you notice when you’re dehydrated? What do you do to keep yourself hydrated? I’d love to know!
I know the holidays are a tough time to stay on track with your health goals, but that’s why I’m here!
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