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IS carbohydrate addiction a real thing?
Could you unknowingly be hopelessly addicted to carbs like a pack-a-day smoker?
It’s actually a fierce debate in health and nutrition circles, with many people arguing that carbs can’t be addictive because people eating them don’t show classic signs of addiction.
Ok, let’s back up and start by defining some terms.
When we say “carbs” in this context, more often than not we are referring to refined carbohydrates: Breads, pastas, pastries, cakes, cookies, snack crackers, etc.
No one as far as I know is hooked on broccoli and sweet potatoes.
What we mean then when we say “carbs” really is SUGAR.
Now, the Addiction Policy Forum lists the criteria for addiction from the DSM5. There are 11 symptoms under 4 categories that therapists use to identify a disorder.
Signs of carb addiction
Let’s take a look at a few of them to see if they apply to how people use refined carbs, or sugar:
Using more of a substance or more often than intended
Wanting to cut down or stop but not being able to
Giving up activities you used to care about because of the substance
Continued use despite known problems
Needing more of the substance to have the same affect
Having a withdrawal symptom when a substance isn’t used
Do any of these ring true for you? It’s ok, be honest. This is a safe space.
Many of the behaviors I see with clients check most if not all of these boxes when it comes to carbs.
Lots of people I talk to say they “can’t resist” when they’re around sweet treats.
Plenty also tell me that they can’t stop eating if they start, and “all of a sudden” they have eaten an entire sleeve of cookies or bag of chips.
I’ve also heard from folks that they “can’t live without” their morning coffee milkshake or a mid day sweet.
Most clients I’ve worked with tell me they KNOW they shouldn’t eat so much pasta / cookies / candy, but they just “don’t have the willpower”.
I get asked all the time “how do I stop my food cravings?” (I’ve never met anyone struggling with cravings for steak and eggs, just sayin’.)
Do those statements sound like the words of an addict? What if you replaced the word “cookies” with “cigarettes”?
Most folks, including me and you, would probably not think of themselves as addicted to anything.
But maybe you are?
How many of those symptoms apply to you and your relationship with sugar?
The world wants to tell us that sugar isn’t addictive. That if you have a problem with eating too much sugar, it’s your fault.
It’s a personal failure.
You don’t have enough will power.
We’re also told sugars are fine to eat! As part of a “balanced diet”, someone eating 2,000 calories a day can eat as much as 200 calories (12 teaspoons) of added sugar a day. And kids can eat up to 25 grams, or 6 teaspoons of sugar!
(This is a massive amount of sugar to eat per day, especially for kiddos!)
Nearly every processed thing we eat has sugar in it, or becomes sugar when we eat it.
Eating these foods triggers a huge dopamine response in our brains, connecting sugar with happiness and pleasure.
No wonder they’re addicting!
I’m an addict. I spent the better part of 20 years as a cigarette smoker. I knew it was causing issues, I knew I was missing out on activities, I definitely experienced withdrawal symptoms, I smoked more to get the same effect and I definitely struggled to quit.
Are cigarettes and venti macchiatos the same thing? Not exactly, but they both trigger behaviors that keep us from our optimal health.
Are you a sugar addict?
Ok, so maybe you check every single one of those symptoms of addiction with your carb consumption. So what?
The first part of any solution is identifying the problem. Now you know!
You can also take comfort knowing it is not your fault. You are NOT broken.
Now, you can do something about it.
But you need a plan, right?
So let’s make a plan.
A plan to swap those refined, sugary carbs for nutritious, energy boosting foods.
A plan to break old negative habits like soothing your feelings with sweets, and replacing them with a positive habit like walking or exercise.
A plan to get you back doing the things you love with the people you love, to get back your energy and vitality, to break those mental anchors that are weighing you down.
A plan to conquer your addiction to sugar!
What do you say, are you in?
I’ve got a spot in my 6-month program with your name on it.
And if you know someone who is addicted to sugar but doesn’t know it yet, please share this post with them!
Ready? Let’s go!