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My favorite men's health supplements


Top picks for men's energy, focus, libido, & more.

What does your supplement "stack" look like? I've had clients who barely want to take a multivitamin, and others who take anything they hear about on a health podcast. But do you really NEED supplements? Are you just spending a bunch of money on what basically becomes neon-yellow pee? Or do they really provide your body with needed nutrients and help give your energy, focus, or libido a boost?

I believe in first getting nutrients from whole foods. Then, using supplements to supplement that healthy diet with targeted nutrients & in order to support specific needs. Here's an example: I eat a wide variety of green vegetables and roots like sweet potato, along with meat or eggs at almost every meal. What I don't eat regularly are organ meats, which are packed with nutrients like zinc, B12, folate, iron, & copper. So, I supplement that in the form of desiccated organ capsules. Coming into summer vitamin D is less of a concern, but during fall & winter when we don't get much sun exposure, I try to supplement with 5,000 - 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

If you have specific nutrient deficiencies, or want targeted support for an autoimmune condition, gut health, or even just building muscle, working with a practitioner like myself can get you & keep you on the right track.

Here are a few of my favorite supplements for men's health:

Desiccated beef organs

Organ meats, especially from grass-fed cows, pack a huge nutrient punch. The reason I take it in supplement form is honestly I'm not familiar with cooking or eating organs, & the pills are an easy addition to my day. Like I mentioned above, liver & other organs are packed full of vital micronutrients & minerals, many of which can be hard to come by otherwise. Additionally, I take a "like for like" approach, meaning that to support the function of my liver, I eat liver or take liver supplements.

Vitamin D3 / K2

Vitamin D is essential for immune health, bone density, muscle health, insulin sensitivity, even mental health. It is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning it needs to be taken with food (fat) to absorb properly. Vitamin D is produced in the skin (using cholesterol) when exposed to direct sunlight. It can be obtained from food sources as well, such as egg yolks, beef liver, & salmon. Generally during the summer & fall months in the U.S., we get enough sun exposure to produce enough Vitamin D, but a supplement can be helpful year round. I recommend getting a Vitamin D3 paired with K2 because they help each other out, D3 being much more active in the presence of K2.


Magnesium is a critical mineral for so many functions in our body! It helps with protein synthesis, blood glucose control, energy production, & muscle relaxation, just to name a few. Magnesium is an electrolyte, & along with sodium, calcium, phosphorus, & potassium, regulate our body's electrical charge, & also manages how well fluids enter & leave our cells. This is why when you are dehydrated, people tell you to drink electrolytes - because they help the fluids STAY IN YOU. Magnesium is found in trace amounts in food & in quality sea salt that we season our food with. I recommend putting a pinch or two of salt into a glass of water a couple of times a day, especially if you are active. The benefit you get from magnesium can depend on what it is combined with, (e.g. magnesium citrate is used as a laxative, so careful with that one), so look for a chelate that supports what you need, like muscle twitching.

BONUS! Here's my favorite electrolyte: Drink LMNT variety pack


Collagen is a hot supplement right now, you can find it in all kinds of different flavors & infused in all sorts of different drinks. But collagen is a protein that our body makes to create our connective tissues like tendons & fascia, maintain healthy hair, skin, & nails, plus it helps make the tissue that holds our gut together, keeping everything inside where it belongs. Typically you get collagen when you eat things like meat or seafood or drink bone broth. But for those dealing with a leaky gut, or just needing some extra support for joints, tendons, skin, & hair, a collagen peptide supplement can be really helpful. You shouldn't mistake a collagen supplement for a regular protein powder you would take to support muscle building - collagen doesn't do that. Most commonly, people mix a scoopful of collagen into their coffee in the morning.

So there you go! Just a few of my top supplements that I take on a regular basis. Again, I don't suggest you go out & buy all the bottles & things thinking that is what is going to get you healthy. Diet, habits, sleep, stress, & activity all play a part in how well your body is working.

If you're ready get started working together, or just want to learn more, set up a quick 15 minute consult today.

DISCLAIMER: I do not have any financial relationship with any of these brands or products, these links are direct links to the products on I receive no affiliate payments from your purchase of these or any other products.

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