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My favorite morning habits


Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Never underestimate the power of a good breakfast.

One question I get from clients pretty frequently goes something like this: "I never have enough time in the morning. I always feel rushed. I never feel like I can eat properly, & I never have time to exercise what can I do?" Does this sound familiar?

I get it. Mornings are stressful, there's not enough time for making breakfast or exercising or meditation or any of that stuff. But starting good morning habits doesn't mean you have to find time you don't have. In fact, the best morning habits start the night before. Want to wake up & rock your mornings? Read on.

Prep breakfast the night before. You say you don't have time for breakfast in the morning? Make it the night before. Bake or grill some chicken thighs, cook a dozen hard boiled eggs, whip up a batch of scrambled egg muffins or a frittata. Or, make a batch of overnight oats. Heat any or all of these in the microwave on your way out the door & you have a protein-packed breakfast.

Go to bed earlier. You just want to stay up & watch a couple, three, maybe four hours of Netflix after the kids get to sleep, that's all. But ask yourself: Why? Why do you need to stay up watching television? What good is it doing for you? It will be there in the morning, I promise. Get to bed an hour before you want to be asleep.

Make your room quiet, dark, & cool. This means NO cell phones, TVs, tablets, or other bright-ass devices shining in your eyes in the bedroom. Make your bedroom a screen-free zone, dedicated only to resting, reading, & sex. (All things you can do with little to no light.) Use blackout curtains or a face mask if needed to make the room super dark, & don't run the heater at night. Your body temperature naturally drops while you sleep, so being cool will help you snooze.

Drink a glass of salty water first thing in the morning. Bonus points if you add lemon juice & it is room temperature. You have just spent the last 7-9 hours without drinking a drop of water. Plus, when you sleep your body takes care of a bunch of housekeeping, so it needs to be replenished. The salt (& lemon) will help refresh electrolytes, which your body needs for proper cell & muscle function, to name a few.

Exercise at your desk. No time to work out in the morning? Take 5-10 minutes every hour to get up & walk around the office. Bring a resistance band to keep in your desk & break it out for some cubicle bicep curls & deadlifts. If you have a little more time, take a 20-30 minute walk after lunch. Take as many opportunities as you can to keep your body moving during your day. It's not much, but it's not nothing, either.

I like to start with what you can do. No, you may not have the time to make a huge breakfast or get in a full 45 minute exercise routine every morning. You may have to rush the kids off to school, or get on the road to work. Can you make it to the gym one morning a week? Awesome. Working from home every Thursday? Super, you can make a breakfast fit for a king. Do what you can do now, & make a little progress toward better habits every day.

Ready to get started? I'm here to help you with morning habits & anything else that will help support a more vibrant, resilient you. If you are a dad (or, not a dad, but just a guy) who needs help dropping a few pounds, getting more energy, or finding that lost sex drive, schedule a session with me. Contact me to learn more or to book your session today.

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