It's not just because you're "getting older".

I’m wondering if this resonates with you:
You’re in your late 30’s, early 40’s. You’ve got a couple of kids, maybe one in elementary, one about to move on to high school. Your marriage is solid, but you’ve noticed you haven’t been intimate with your partner much lately.
Not that you don’t want to be intimate, but life’s busy. You’re both tired all the time. You just don’t have the energy for sex that you used to.
You’ve kind of just gotten used to… not engaging.
So you make it a point to plan sex. (Not super romantic, but hey.) Maybe you put too much pressure on yourself, too many expectations. You’re tired but you really want to feel that connection with your partner again.
But something goes wrong.
And now not only do you have trouble finding the time and energy for sex in the first place, but you can’t seem to get things to work right when you do.
So does this mean you just have to settle for a life without sex? That you should just get used to no more physical intimacy with your partner?
No! Dammit, of course not!
Please, do not ever accept a lower quality of life just because you’re “getting older”.
A crappy sex drive and erectile dysfunction is a result of metabolic issues and low testosterone.
And you can do something about it.
First, we identify diet and lifestyle habits that could be causing insulin resistance. Being insulin resistant means your metabolism is out of whack, and your testosterone is likely low.
Next we land on some foods to add into your day or swap with things you eat now. Getting more protein and minerals into your diet will help relight your metabolism and help you build testosterone.
Then we figure out some different kinds of movement to add into your day. Resistance training builds muscle which helps stoke your metabolism and stimulate testosterone. Aerobic exercise builds cardiometabolic endurance and strengthens your heart and lungs.
We'll spend some time getting your mind right and finding ways to deal with stress. Stress isn't just the mind killer, it does a number on sex drive and erections, too.
Finally, we decide if any supplements would help bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be. Targeted nutrients like B12 or Vitamin D can help get you feeling right while we get your diet sorted out.
We work at it for 3 months, testing and adjusting and finding what works. I’m there to give you the tools you need, but also to support you and hold you accountable along the way.
I know you’re ready to do the work, you just need to know what to do, and you might need someone to spot you.
If you’re tired of feeling like crap all the time and missing intimacy with your partner, I can help. Let’s figure out what made you lose that lovin’ feelin’. The best way to get started is to set up a free 15 minute discovery call with me.