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Keeping your blood sugar balanced and your insulin levels low is crucial for long-term metabolic health.
Chronically high blood sugar, or blood sugar that spikes and crashes is a recipe for fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, mood swings, depression and chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.
Turns out, keeping your blood sugar balanced is critical for our eye health, as well.
Did you know that your optometrist can spot insulin resistance and blood sugar issues years before your doctor will notice?
Believe it or not, the blood vessels in your eyes tell the tale long before you see any major symptoms elsewhere.
But why the eyes?
With Type 2 Diabetes, cataracts can form faster, and can increase eye pressure and glaucoma.
So if you’re dealing with daily fatigue, excess weight, food cravings and even mild depression, combined with signs of eye issues, these could be an early sign of insulin resistance.
But you’re not going to let it get to that point, right? You’re armed with great information you can act on now, and are determined to keep yourself healthy and energized.
Some simple ways to keep your blood sugar balanced are:
Prioritize protein at every meal
Eat a breakfast of protein, fiber and healthy fats
Move your body every day, especially walking
Avoid added sugars and refined grains
And if you haven’t seen your optometrist in a while, it could be worth a visit to have them look at your eyes and see if they can spot any blood vessel issues early on.
Y’all, I hope this email provided some value and maybe got you thinking about your eye health.
If you could use some extra help getting your blood sugar balanced so you can start feeling energized and keep chronic health issues at bay, that’s what I’m here for.
If that’s something you want, I’ve got spots available now!
Ready to get started? Let’s go!