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What I Drink Instead of Alcohol


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a shelf of bottles of hard alcohol

Over the last few years, I have slowly removed alcohol from my life. The last to go was having a beer or two on vacation.

Nothing against anyone who enjoys a beer or glass of wine, especially on vacation.

But it just wasn’t doing anything for me anymore. I didn’t enjoy it. Even one beer made me feel groggy and slow. Did I enjoy the taste? It was OK, but it wasn’t anything special, and beer isn’t a flavor profile that gives me pleasure anymore.

While I used to really enjoy the “buzz” from a few drinks, now I just feel slow and dumb.

I know we use alcohol to relax, to “take the edge off”. 

But at this stage of my life, I have so many other ways to enjoy myself that don’t include being “buzzed”.

I’d rather be clear and sharp. I want the edge. I have other ways of reducing stress.

Truthfully, I feel SO much better not being buzzed, or recovering from being buzzed.

I’m clearer, sharper, more aware. My sense of humor and conversation aren’t dulled by booze. 

I’m oddly even more relaxed because I don’t feel the pressure to drink or to be clever and fun around friends, or self conscious that I’m doing something dumb.

I enjoy myself WAY more now that I don’t drink alcohol, even in situations when others are.

I’m not saying I’ll never drink a beer ever again, ever. But honestly, most of the time it just doesn’t sound good, or I’d just rather avoid feeling gross.

So now you might be asking, “but Joel, what DO you drink instead of alcohol”?

I’m glad you asked.

In social situations like cookouts or Super Bowl watch parties or functions with co-workers, there can be a lot of pressure to drink. People can even be a little put off by someone who isn’t participating in the group buzz.

It can be hard to resist that social pressure, especially when someone just casually hands you a beer or glass of wine.

In those situations, I just say “no thank you, I’m good.” They don’t need a disclaimer or explanation. It’s your choice not to have a drink.

For those types of events, I enjoy mocktails, either from the bar or out of a can. Some canned brands are even adaptogenic, providing nice health benefits and even a mild little buzz.

If mocktails aren’t available (or you don’t like them) I’m a big fan of flavored sparkling water, like Spindrift or Waterloo. You can even pour them into a highball glass with a wedge of lime to make you look and feel like you’re having an alcoholic drink.

Out at dinner, either with friends or family, can be tricky if all the grown ups start consulting the beer and wine menu.

More and more restaurants are offering non-alcoholic options beyond the basic water, iced tea and soda. Sparkling waters, mocktails and different flavors of tea are becoming more popular.

I tend to mostly just stick to water or iced tea, though I will sometimes go for a mocktail if I’m feeling fancy.

At home in the evenings after work or on the weekend is probably when most folks have a drink or two, and may feel like they need a drink to wind down and relax. (Maybe this is you?)

I used to always have a bottle of bourbon on the shelf, and would often have a neat finger or two (or four) on a Friday evening, or just after a rough day. I don’t miss how I felt when I woke up.

Now in the evenings I might warm up a cup of rich, hearty bone broth, or just make a cup of tea.

During the day, especially in the summer when it’s hot, I love to drink electrolytes. Our favorites come from Just Ingredients and LMNT.

This year’s hack is combining a scoop of Strawberry Limeade electrolyte powder with a can of lime flavored sparkling water.  It is delicious, super refreshing, and could even be served as a kind of bubbly mocktail at a party.

I love good coffee. Coffee time and booze time rarely cross paths, but I would much rather enjoy a single origin pour over than a beer any day.

And I always, always, always have a tall glass of filtered water with a huge pinch of salt sitting on the counter.

So, maybe you’ve been feeling like you’d rather not drink as much as you do now. Whatever the reason, you’ve probably felt a little guilt and pressure to just go with the flow and drink like everyone else.

I get it, we live in a very alcohol-centric society. You almost can't do any activity without there being some kind of alcohol available. 

But it’s not the ONLY choice. 

There are lots of non-alcoholic options out there that are easy to reach for instead of a beer or glass of wine, and more products come on the market every day.

There are even bars and clubs now dedicated to non-alcoholic socializing, serving hand crafted mocktails and other booze-free drinks.

So if you’re getting “sober curious” as the saying goes, or are just maybe interested in cutting back a little on your alcohol consumption, we should talk.

Working on creating positive habits is the backbone of my 6-month coaching program.

If reducing or eliminating alcohol from your life is a goal for you, I’ve got a plan to get you there.

Ready? Let’s go!

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