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Do you wonder why you struggle to have enough energy throughout the day? Why you feel tired all the time?
Maybe you feel fine after a quick cup of coffee and bowl of oatmeal, but quickly crash back down, feeling lethargic and unfocused?
Why do you feel like you always need coffee to stay alert? Or a sugary mid-morning pick-me-up?
First off, it’s not because you’re “just getting older”. That’s nonsense.
Plenty of people in their 50s, 60s and 70s have consistent, vital all day energy.
And plenty of people in their 20s, 30s and 40s struggle to stay alert and energized all day without infusions of sugar and caffeine. (Maybe that’s you!)
The truth is, your metabolism and hormone cycle have been thrown all out of whack.
From years or decades of lack of quality sleep, from lives and careers that pile stress on you like a snow plow.
From dietary guidelines that have you consuming most of your calories from ultra processed foods, refined grains and added sugars instead of whole foods like eggs, meat, fish and veggies.
The good news is, this is actually pretty simple to fix!
How do I fix my low energy?
eat a healthy diet
The first thing to do is dial in what you’re eating.
Refined grains, sugary drinks and ultra processed junk spike your blood sugar, but you quickly “crash” when insulin does its thing and stores that glucose away, leaving you feeling tired, unfocused and hangry.
Along with the energy crash comes food cravings for something sweet, because now your body is hunting for sugar.
Eating these foods also deprives your body of essential nutrients you need for cell structure, building enzymes and hormones, and even brain health.
Given enough time, that up and down blood sugar roller coaster leads to insulin resistance, high blood pressure, heart disease and all sorts of chronic diseases.
Starting your day with a meal of protein, fat and fiber will help slow the glucose response and give you even, consistent energy until it is time to eat again.
This slow, even absorption of glucose means a smaller insulin response, and no spike of stress hormones like cortisol when you have a sugar crash.
So your hormones stay in balance, and your metabolism doesn’t get overworked.
Plus, all those amazing nutrients in the whole, unprocessed foods are exactly what your body needs for building hormones, repairing muscle, growing hair, and everything else.
Prioritize a good night's sleep
Next, you have to work on getting a full night of quality sleep.
If you’ve been on a blood sugar roller coaster all day, chances are you feel exhausted, but somehow can’t fall asleep.
So maybe you have a late night snack, something crunchy or sugary, which spikes your insulin.
Plus, if you spend your evenings staring at a device, or go to bed to watch TV, your brain thinks it’s time to wake up and has flooded your body with cortisol.
So now your stress hormones are elevated, and instead of resting and repairing your body is in survival mode and has to pack away more glucose.
Instead, stop eating at least 2 hours before you go to bed. (That means even that little nibble you have at 10pm.) My trick is to floss and brush my teeth right after dinner.
Next, keep the lights low, and turn off the TV and devices 30 minutes or so before you go to bed. Reading with a red light is a great way to tell your brain and body it is time for sleep. (And no phones in bed!)
Your body needs signals that it is time to wind down and fall asleep. All that light tells it that it is daytime and time to wake up.
Needless to say, getting a full night of quality sleep will set you up for a day of even, all day energy.
Deal with your stress
You’ll probably struggle to fall asleep if your mind is fixated on all the things that stressed you out that day.
Your stress levels are keeping your stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline elevated, even at night when you feel exhausted.
Instead of letting your “day” hormones like insulin and cortisol naturally fade while “night” hormones like melatonin rise, stress puts our hormones all out of whack, keeping fat locked away and our body in survival mode.
Finding ways to reduce stress and get your mind right is crucial to getting your all day energy back.
The good news is, most stress-reducing activities are free:
Spending time in nature
Stretching / yoga
Breath work
Finally getting the all day energy that you’ve been wishing for is simple, but it takes work and commitment.
Dialing in your food, sleep and stress will balance your blood sugar and get your hormones back on the right cycle.
My 6-month 1-on-1 nutrition program is aimed at helping you conquer low energy, mood swings, and brain fog while avoiding chronic disease with personalized support and accountability.
If you’ve been searching for answers to your energy issues for a long time, maybe now's your chance to finally fix them?
Get started by setting up a quick 15 minute consult call with me today.
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