But booze is fun!

Something that often comes up when working with nutrition clients is alcohol consumption. Now, I’m never going to shame anyone for any of their habits, but one question that I like to ask is “why do you drink alcohol?”
The responses I get vary, but usually sound something like:
“It helps me relax after a stressful week.”
“It’s how I socialize with friends.”
“I enjoy having a glass of wine or three with dinner.”
“It’s something I do when I’m watching the game.”
One or all of these may resonate with you, or you have your own reasons. Again, no shame, my goal is just to help you develop and strengthen healthy habits.
But every so often when I am at a football game watch party or camping or at a ball game, I’ll get asked if I want a beer and I will usually turn it down. Sometimes the response is “You sure? We’ve got wine if you want?” To which I politely reply “thank you, I’m good, really.” While I open up another can of LaCroix.
Alcohol is pretty standard at most social functions and outings. We often enjoy a drink with dinner, or a few beers watching the game. Many of us use alcohol as a way to “unwind” from our day and help us fall asleep at night.
But the question I have been asking more and more is, why?
Let me back up.
I was a pretty heavy drinker and smoker in my 20’s. In my 30’s, I didn’t drink as much but could put down a few glasses of bourbon or wine on a Friday night.
I didn’t really think about it then, but I would drink to unwind, to enjoy a gathering with friends, or just cause I was bored and there was booze in the house.
What I have realized since then is that alcohol was a part of almost every single fun thing I did. Even kids birthday parties.
(Not for the kids, for the grown-ups.)
It was how I enjoyed myself with friends, with my wife, or alone. But why? Did alcohol make those moments better?
I would argue, no, not really. The hangovers certainly sucked.
But we almost expect alcohol to be a part of social functions. It’s often the first thing we think of when we’ve had a rough week and need to relax. We feel obligated to bring a six pack or bottle of wine to dinner or a party.
From a health standpoint, alcohol tanks testosterone levels, especially in heavy drinkers. It adds loads of empty calories that you have to burn through before you use the calories from all the wings and fries you ate, making it likely to add inches to your frame.
Alcohol is also a neurotoxin. It’s a socially acceptable neurotoxin, but a neurotoxin none the less. It quite literally poisons our brain.
We wouldn’t expect our friends coming to our Superbowl party to bring cocaine or LSD or amphetamines, because they’re dangerous and illegal. But alcohol is not just legal, it is encouraged.
So the question I come back to again and again is, “why”?
My goal with this post isn’t to make you feel shitty for enjoying a beer or a glass of wine with dinner. Just to make you think.
I challenge you to ask yourself this question and think on it a bit:
Do I need alcohol to enjoy myself? Why?
I choose to no longer drink alcohol more than once or twice a year because I honestly just don’t enjoy it. It’s pretty wasted on me at this point.
I find having my senses and wits dulled to be really frustrating, and I want to experience everything in as sharp a focus as I possibly can.
I also really find that I enjoy social interactions more now than I did when I was drinking. I can focus on conversations better, be present with people, and just enjoy the moment more. (I also get a giggle out of all the hugs and “I love you mans” from buzzed friends.)
So if you enjoy a refreshing craft beer on a hot Sunday afternoon, or a cocktail out with friends, I’m not here to stop you. But consider if you would enjoy that moment as much or more without alcohol. Can you find something else to swap it with?
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GUYS: Dealing with the effects of Low Testosterone? Check out my free guide to boosting your testosterone and getting back your manliness.