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Why is consistency so important?


The key to longevity no one is talking about.

I talk to clients about consistency a lot.

It's probably the biggest factor in my clients' success.

If you’ve spent any time reading my emails or blog, you may have noticed I bring it up a lot there, too.

Consistency in your eating and fasting windows.

Consistency in what time you go to bed every night.

Consistency in exercise and movement schedule.

Consistency in your daily eating habits.

Consistency in getting enough quality protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Consistency is how we form healthy, positive habits over time.

This may actually be the most important key to living a long and healthy life.

You can have all the best intentions in the world to swap soda with bubbly water or add more protein to your meals, but intentions don’t form habits.

You can start off with a heap of willpower to wake up early and exercise or meal prep every week, but willpower is a battery that runs out of juice.

When you do something consistently, you create habits. And that thing becomes just something that you do every day, and not something you have to make yourself do.

Consistency also helps our body stay in balance. Eating and fasting (not eating) at regular times each day tell your body when to expect energy, and when it can downregulate and go into rest and repair mode.

Sleeping and waking at consistent times each day tells our hormones when to begin to rise and when to fall, keeping them balanced.

Just to be clear, consistency doesn’t mean perfection. It doesn’t mean having to eat exactly the same thing at exactly the same time every day. Or that you can’t go enjoy a late dinner with friends.

It doesn’t mean beating yourself up if you had a slice of pizza, or you didn’t get in your run this morning.

It means doing your best to stick to a regular routine, eating, sleeping, waking, and moving at roughly the same times. It means eating roughly the same amount of whole, unprocessed food each day.

Sure, you might go off script once in a while. But that’s the great thing about habits, it’s easy to just fall right back in step.

To be sure, building consistent, healthy habits takes time, and it takes work. And a plan.

But that’s why you have me.

Together, we’ll come up with a plan. I’ll be there to help keep you consistent, nudge you back on track.

You’ve got me for 6 months.

That’s 24 weeks.

About 168 days.

How many healthy, positive habits can we make in that much time?

Here’s what else you get in my 6 month 1-on-1 program:

  • Food journal and health history analysis

  • Healthy habit swaps

  • Bi-weekly support calls

  • Personalized shopping lists

  • Personalized meal plan

  • Personalized exercise / movement plan

  • Custom weekly calendar / schedule

  • Diet, lifestyle & supplement protocols

  • 20% discount on supplements

  • Lifetime access to Facebook group

  • Accountability & support


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