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You May Be Spending Too Much On Supplements


Start your 6-month nutrition program today!

A lot of folks I meet once we start talking about health and nutrition ask about supplements. They take these supplements, are they good? Which supplements should they be taking? What supplements do I take?

Often, people hear a podcast or see a social post about a supplement that is going to help with their metabolism, support healthy hair and nails or stop cravings or boost detoxification. And so they start taking ALL these supplements without actually figuring out if they actually need them.

Sound familiar?

News flash: Most supplements aren’t doing much of anything for you. 

Supplements should be targeted to a specific need or deficiency, like low vitamin B levels or low stomach acid.

Supplements are not a replacement for nutrients, they are meant to supplement a nutrient-dense diet.

Because the soil our crops grow in is often depleted of nutrients, because of our modern diet and lifestyles, and because we are dealing with so many environmental toxins, we are often deficient in a number of nutrients we should be getting from food.

Many supplements are therapeutic, meaning that they are formulated to address a specific imbalance or dysfunction.

A really good example of this is when someone has gut dysbiosis, or leaky gut, and they take nutrients like marshmallow root and licorice which help soothe and heal the gut.

But if you’re not experiencing gut dysbiosis, you don’t need to be taking those supplements!

Many people like to take a multivitamin, just so they are covering a wide variety of nutrients they may or may not need. But multivitamins are all different, have different levels of specific nutrients, and aren’t always the highest quality. More often than not, you’re just excreting those vitamins in your pee.

So, like, how do I know what nutrients to supplement?

There are a few ways to figure out what you might be deficient in. Depending on what issues you are dealing with, you can often order tests online or through your doctor to help determine deficiencies.

Many health practitioners offer what is called an HTMA test, or Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, which measures your levels of minerals over the last 3-4 months. This is a good way of knowing if you are deficient in nutrients like magnesium or zinc, and to see if you have a higher load of heavy metals. (I do not currently offer this test in my practice.)

Finally, probably the best way to address nutrient deficiencies is by working with a holistic practitioner (like me!). Instead of just identifying nutrients you may be low in, we’re going to look at your health issues holistically, and identify ways to address them that include nutrition, mindset, movement, environment, and of course supplements.

For example, if you’re dealing with low energy, mood swings, sweet cravings and frequent headaches, we would look at your diet, your stress levels and sleep, daily movement, and eating window.

We would also try supplements meant to improve your stress response, like B vitamins, balance your glucose regulation, balance hunger cues and improve your mineral balance.

Most, if not all of these supplements would be taken until symptoms resolve. They are NOT forever.

Any supplement should be used as part of a larger strategy to bring our body’s systems back into balance, not as a way to fix an issue on their own.

So “Well, my doctor says the reason I don’t have any energy is because I am low in B Vitamins, so I’ll just take these B Vitamins and see what happens” is not the right answer.

Low levels of B Vitamins could have something to do with your crappy energy, or it could not. It’s just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

What supplements should everyone take?

It’s really hard to give a blanket recommendation for everyone. We’re all individual, and will have unique nutrient needs. 

But, there are some nutrients that a majority of people are deficient in, and are just not getting enough from food.

Vitamin D

Our bodies make Vitamin D out of cholesterol (yes, we need cholesterol!) when our skin is exposed to the sun. Our sedentary, indoor lifestyles keep us from making enough Vitamin D, even during the sunny summer months. I recommend getting liquid Vitamin D3 with K2, which work together synergistically.

Beef Organs

This would technically count as a multivitamin, but since it comes from a food source (beef) none of it is synthetic. The other benefit of beef organs is the levels of nutrients are all appropriate for what our bodies need, and are the most easily digested and used. (None of this 2000% of DV nonsense.) I recommend a supplement of multiple organs, all of which will support those organs in your own body, for example liver, kidney, heart, pancreas and spleen.


Magnesium is an incredible mineral, and while we should be getting enough from the leafy green veggies we eat (you eat lots of those, right?) most people are deficient. Magnesium comes bound with different minerals, so choosing the magnesium for what you need is crucial. You can get a “complex” or a mix of different magnesium chelates, or pick one that addresses a specific need.

  • Magnesium Glycinate - For calming muscle cramps and help sleeping

  • Magnesium Citrate - Most commonly used for constipation, but helps with heart health

  • Magnesium Gluconate - Supports muscle relaxation

One thing I want to make sure to say: Please stop taking gummy vitamins.

You are a grown adult who can swallow capsules. Plus, those gummies are causing a ton of cavities and buying your dentist a beach house.

Y’all, working with you to find the right supplements that will help bring your body back into balance, give you back your energy, improve your mood, stop the cravings, and help drop that stubborn weight is just a part of my 6-month 1-on-1 coaching program.

We start off with supplement protocols that get your healing process started, and we reassess every two weeks.

Did I mention my 1-on-1 clients get 20% off retail in my supplement shop?

If this sounds like the support you need right now, I’ve got spots open in my 6-month program.

It’s 6 months of support, accountability and results!

Ready? Let’s go!

set up your free 15 minute call

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