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We all know we should be eating less sugar, right?
It’s something we understand abstractly as being good for us.
But it’s so hard to do, especially now with holidays approaching and my kids are going to bring in a truckload of Halloween candy tonight.
Most of the sugar we consume doesn’t actually come from pie and candy bars, though.
It comes from sugary beverages (looking at you, Venti Half-Caf Caramel Macchiato), sauces, salad dressings and refined carbs like breads, pastries and pastas.
Of course we want some sugar for glucose, but too much too fast can overwhelm the system and create blood sugar imbalance and insulin resistance.
The best way to meet our need for glucose is through healthy carbs together with fiber, protein and fat. This slows down the absorption and gives you longer, sustained energy.
Whole food sources also means you tend to eat less overall, keeping blood sugar balanced and your weight in check.
But look, I know it can feel impossible to eat less sugar, especially this time of year.
So I wanted to put together some simple, smart ideas you can use to eat less sugar. Do your best!
Tips for eating less sugar
Get most Halloween candy out of the house. You’re going to have a metric ton of candy in your house after tonight. Have the kids fill a small bag with their absolute favorites, then bag up the rest to give to the “Switch Witch”, who swaps the candy with books, toys, cash or other non-candy treats. Or, just straight up buy the candy from them.
Important note: DON’T keep the candy! Throw it away, you don’t need it.
Read labels, especially on foods with sauces. Sugar can be sneaky and show up where you don’t expect. Look for total sugars, added sugars and ingredients that end in “-ose”, those are all sugars.
Try a new coffee or tea drink. This one might be tough, but your morning (or afternoon) coffee could have more than 42g of sugar, that’s 4 tablespoons! Same goes if you enjoy milk tea. Try coffee or tea with just milk without the sugary flavors.
Eat a protein-packed breakfast. Instead of scarfing a bagel or a muffin for breakfast, eat something that will keep you full and fueled longer. Eggs, non-fat yogurt, veggie hash, anything with protein, fiber and fat.
Stop eating at the same time every night. Close the kitchen at 8pm. This means no snacks, no late night treats. If you struggle with this, try brushing your teeth after dinner to tell your brain you’re done eating.
Limit refined grain products. We eat a LOT of bread, pasta, and pastry. These have very little nutritional value, almost no fiber, no protein and create a huge blood sugar spike. They’re fine once in a while, but try eating sweet potato noodles and using lettuce wraps instead of buns.
Keep what you can’t resist out of the house. We can all moderate some things and have to completely cut out others. If you know you can’t resist cookies for example, do yourself a favor and just don’t bring them into the house.
Do your best, don’t beat yourself up. Look, it’s the holidays, and for most of us that means indulging in some form of sweet treat. Just remember one piece of pie or cake isn’t going to ruin your life. Plus, you should be able to enjoy yourself and your time with loved ones.
These are just a few simple, practical steps to help you lower the amount of sugar you eat.
Cutting back on sugar will go a long way to balancing blood sugar, reducing insulin resistance, and fighting off chronic inflammation that ruins your health.
Steps like this are a core part of my coaching program. I give you the tools, accountability and support that your doctor can’t give you so you can get your health back.
I’ve got spots open in both my limited 3 month and 6 month programs.
You need help getting sugar out of your diet and your health back on track. That’s what I’m here for!
Ready? Let’s go!